Another Tangent – or, What To Do While Waiting Endlessly That Doesn’t Involve Getting Arrested

This week, we’re meeting with an electrician to redo the house so that we don’t start a fire when we move back in. (I told you, I’m not much of a gambler. There was just too much else last year, but we don’t want to push it another year!) And we have a plumber coming too, to look at our pipes. (Primarily the gas pipes.) Salt water compromises a lot. So Bear tore out all the new insulation we put in (in order to expose the wires) and we’re back down to the ribs of the house.

We’ve gone exactly nowhere in all this time.

But besides that, I’d like to know: with all the stuff we had to throw out, how is it we’re still able to furnish ourselves? Granted, we’re surrounded now by crap, but still!

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