Chapter One – The One In Four

Who the fuck moves to a major city (NYC) without a plan? What kind of idiot naivete must exist to allow something as ridiculous as that to happen!?

I knew I had to leave (long story, another chapter), but I’d thought of moving to downtown Philly (no plan there either, but it wasn’t HERE!). But I started “seeing” a high school friend who lived and worked in NYC, so Philly became NYC. Still no plan. I was not a baby either! (I was 28 when I moved!) Only true arrogance and naivete could allow shit like that to happen!

I had to pay rent, though, so I started temping (short-term work, sent by an agency; got me to learn the layout of the city by going all over). It, in theory, let me go to auditions. But eventually I got a temp job at Orion Classics, I saw Louie Malle, and my life changed completely.

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Depression, PTSD, or WTF!

I thought I could do this, tell my stories with a modicum of humor. But so far, my sense of humor has left me, kind of like all of my former social skills! So, until it ever returns, I guess this won’t be happening. (If it’s not funny, who really cares, right?!)

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Bad Cooking

Here’s a horrible combo:  Boredom and anger.  And just for fun, let’s add a third part to our already bad combo party:  A ridiculous amount of psychotherapy so that you know why you feel bored and/or anger most of the time.   And then, as the cherry on top: Acquire some physical shit.

Shake it all up.

Garnish with major depression.



You got a perfect shit sandwich there!!!!


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“I’ve got a strong urge to fly


I’ve got nowhere to fly to”

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Sense Sensitivity Problems/Age Crap Again!

It’s NOT agoraphobia, that’s the good news. The rest of the news, however, is that I’m losing all of my senses, and THAT explains the “hesitation” to go anywhere!

Here’s a generally annoying problem (for you and me both!): sense hypersensitivity. (I’m pretty sure that’s what it’s really, technically called; but don’t bet the farm just yet!)  Like migraine/brain disease sensitivity!  (What the hell: let’s blame it on the AVM!)

I’ll start with hearing.  How stupid is it to need to say “uh, excuse me, but please turn the newspaper page more quietly”? So I remove myself. Then I bought real earmuffs (I swear, there’re like airline quality!) but I’m too ashamed to wear in public.
And then there’s sight. OK, yes, I’m older, and the bifocals I got make me THINK I see things when I wear them due to the split lens, and I do indeed have some age-related retina problems, but … I think I’m actually seeing things! Not the “fun” stuff, like little people dancing around, or scary bodiless heads coming out of the walls (yes, I’ve heard of both with regard to brain things), but flashes/blurs, whatever. (I think my ex-cat is visiting, though, so it may be her – if so, no worries!)  (But I can see enough, however, to see the shapes of my neighbors and that makes me too ashamed to wear my super-dooper earmuffs outdoors (even tho I need them to deal with the noises of urban/suburban living).

I can’t taste, which doesn’t really surprise me since I’ve smoked most of my life (and B cooks now), but my sense of smell is ridiculous!

And my balance, which has been bad for years, now includes dizziness, which it didn’t before.

And I just found out that I get carsick again.  (Oh joy!  What next?  Allergy to bee stings?  Night terrors?)


WTF, Alfie?



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Too Much TV Part 527

Westworld is fascinating confusion. (As was Twin Peaks, back in the day.)

Whenever I think I sort of get it, something happens to prove I don’t.

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Distraction Wanted:

I need distraction! It works for me! (But it’s got to be something that doesn’t require a lot of physical prowess – or is very flexible! No Pit Bulls and Parolees, unfortunately – too much heavy work! But yes, Dodo Heroes – saving koalas to be set free?? Yes!)

btw, what’s with Aerial America? Love, love, love the show – I  can arm-chair travel when I need to – but what’s with the stampeding herds they seem to provoke whenever possible??!
And what’s “sporting” about catch-and-release?  Don’t fish have nerves? (No, really, don’t they??)  Seems barbaric to me.  (And they show this stuff!  On TV!)


I watch far too much TV!  (Full disclosure: that last one is based on promos only.)





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Disordered Thinking

An old therapist once told me that to think of suicide as making sense was, well, crazy. I don’t know if I agree with her, but I guess that makes me a bit crazy. But seriously, doesn’t it make sense for some of us? If we’re not happy, no matter what, for no more than a second at best, and we’re downright miserable the rest of the time, well, what then?
And man-made drugs make me sick – these are drugs I took for years, btw, but now they’re biting me in the ass. Besides being really fucked, what then? Chamomile tea, exercise, regular sleep at night, cutting out gummy worms, extra Bs, medical marijuana, etc.?

I’d like to move where I can watch birds when I can’t move otherwise, but I’m too chicken to move out. I want to be able to lay on the bed, with my cat, and do nothing but stare out the window at wildlife.  (Cat videos are too outside of my technical abilities!)  And I can’t drive to where wildlife lives because I’m losing my senses: eyesight, hearing, balance… In fact, I’ve had balance problems for years, but I’m now experiencing dizziness – so having everyone think I’m DRUNK too doesn’t make me want to go outside at all!  (Don’t tell the people at the CVS or the grocery store that I drive there!)
Even medical pot kind of freaks me out: I grew up in the 70s, and we rarely even took aspirin in those days. Pot was strictly recreational, but now I take it for medical reasons. Weird.

I’d move, but global warming is fucking up everywhere, so I might as well stay where I am – but I’m not cut out for the urban-suburbs!  The lawns here are little, but when people cut them, they mow, then trim, then use a leaf blower to scatter the trimmings.  And don’t get me started on car locks and alarms!  I even bought a pair of airport-strength earmuffs but am too ashamed to wear them outside!

I just want birds, wildlife, trees and stars.  But I used all my hard-earned money, when I had it, on searching for answers to the unanswerable health questions that I still have.  If I only knew then what I know now … right?

I guess I want too much?


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Heavy Metals – no, not the music kind…

During this years-long and on-going search for what-all-the-fuck-is-wrong-with-Robyn, I’ve had my heavy metal levels tested. ( Just for fun, we should ALL do it, yes? Especially now in this day and age and having grown up near the Willow Grove Naval Station, when we’ve all been exposed to some extent or another….) My own tests indicated elevated lead and mercury counts.

(There are three categories: “normal”, elevated, and high. I’d always assumed “high” meant dead, but I’m no doctor….No, actually, I believe high is when they try chelation therapy to get it out of your body.)

It was suggested to me at the time of the test that I have all my mercury amalgam fillings removed and replaced.  THANK GOD I knew a dentist I could talk to – he said that the mercury is stable unless you disturb it by removing it and turning it into dust that you breathe in and swallow … and it costs LOTS of money to do what they suggested (which I no longer had by then anyway).  Needless to say, it didn’t happen.
I always wondered where those elevated numbers came from – I mean I don’t even eat sushi! But now I know: the Navy!!  I think they owe me an additional disability pension, don’t you?  I mean, I’m sure those elevated heavy metals don’t help whatever/all else is going on inside me!


This is the same doctor, btw, that “treated” my tick-borne disease (NOT Lyme) without knowing or admitting that he didn’t know how to do so.  (But he WAS a great nutrition guy!)  Years later I saw him as a nutritional consultant, by accident, on one of those national morning shows – I threw up a bit in my mouth, and I’m pretty sure that’s not a part of ANY protocol!

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WTF – why I’m crazy Part 72:

I see Harvey’s face everywhere these days.

Amy Schumer’s bit really stuck: growing up, we were told we could be whatever we wanted. But the real world told us “ha! just kidding! it’s not actually that way, and the horror stories you heard about the male-oriented world out there? All true! But, hey, figure it out yourself ’cause we’ll never admit it!”.  Now maybe now they’ll admit it?  Too late for my own mental health, but maybe for future utopian generations?

Anyway, I’m a Human Being.  And Harvey, as flawed an example as he is, is still another Human Being.  I DO feel for him.

But – I have absolutely no trouble being able to envision him ruining, absolutely ruining! someone else’s career in any way possible, just because he could. (People “like that”, who yield the power of their positions over others’….are everywhere! It just really sucks when that person wields real, actual power!)

So, if Hell exists when Life ends, I will be going there for wishing Harvey ill – but I’ll see him there too … and he’ll probably be crying…


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