Plan C – or, The End of the World As We Know It

Is it global warming? Are the waters rising? Are we just cycling in our geological era?

How much of a gambler are you? Me, not so much. Will it flood this year? The Irene surge, in 2011, filled our 4 foot crawl under the house but didn’t breach the living space. The Sandy surge from 2012 produced 3 to 4 feet of saltwater on the first floor of the house. (The second floor loft runs the length of the oldest part of the house, which was added onto, several times thruout the years. Oddly, I have always referred to the back part of the house as the trailer b/c that’s what it looks like. Odd b/c we live in a trailer right now. Ironic. Odd. Same thing, really.)
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We have no choice but to hope that the weather trend will not give us a surge this year – before Irene, no one around here remembers it flooding recently.

Hopefully El Nino/La Nina has been calmer this year.

I know, hope makes me sound incredibly naive, but really what else is there?

Besides, we’ll know what to do this time!

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