It’s on! It’s off! It’s on! I’m exhausted!


So, after several back and forths, as these things go, we may have procured the castle-house after all, I mean for real.  Maybe.  The thing was, the seller would not give us a financial reprieve for us to fix those things found to be needed during the inspection (things like the roof, the chimney (tho we have no fireplace!), the front porch needs to be redone, and we need a new stove (that we know of among the appliances they left).  So, after all that, there’s no room to open the kitchen wall or build that roofdeck or even remove that hideous rock wall anytime soon.  We had to decide if we still wanted it – we decided, yes.

But then again, we haven’t gone to the dreaded Closing Day  – set, unless this last tussle changed it, for April 14th.  Move Day is April 15th.  (We move whatever survived Sandy that have been in boxes for three years, so it’s not a whole house worth.   That unveiling will either be like Christmas as a spoiled child or a PTSD nightmare!)  (But I hope it’s a happy reunion with my tchotchkes nonetheless.)




As it is, we’re out of New York.  Yes, we’re only in New Jersey, but we’re headed north west – toward Pennsylvania.  (Bear wants to be close to his girls, in midstate New York and Long Island (with two and 1/2 grandkids) and both our sibs north of the city – it would be nice to be able to join family for dinners – and then go home to ones own bed!

We’re looking forward to relearning the city, and anxious to learn Pennypack park – my pace is altered now, but Bear’s old too, so the pace should be OK for both of us.  (It’s shameful to be talking about these things but I swear, some days I feel like I’m in my nineties!)



Go enjoy the holidays!  And think of us in your prayers!



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