

No, nothing, as far as the acquisition/rebuild is concerned, but the Polar Vortex seems to have killed off those lingering mold spores!  (If it just happens they’ve only gone into hiding, please don’t spoil the clarity of my experience by making me consider anything so despoiling as that scientific reality!)


The freezing winds that were The Vortex were the only thing that, so far, made me wish we’d put the money into finishing the walls.  (But I don’t see putting money into a house that may yet be demolished!)  Polar air poured thru the walls!  We’d replaced insulation and re-covered it with semi-sheer plastic (for weird ascetic reasons) after we redid all of the electric.  But the old-insulation/plastic-thing was no match for The Vortex!


But the Polar Vortex seems to have killed the mold, so I can’t complain.  Needless to say, it’s been a MISERABLE couple of months, b/c of what turns out to be,  what?,  mold “toxicity”?   But I now have a few days until the effects of the January Thaw (that immediately followed the Vortex) make themselves known, whatever they may be, so I take a moment to say … nothing new.


Time marches.


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