Two Horrors For The Price Of One!

Yesterday, the gas co. was supposed to reconnect the gas to the house – hot water, heat (tho not needed yet) and cooking (stove). The operative words here are “was supposed to”.

Guess what didn’t happen!?

The worst? Move back into the house, w/o hot water or stove, when the trailer goes away on 9/27. (We can pretend like Sandy just came!) Neither one of us wants that scenario to come true, but we may have to deal with it nonetheless.

Are we having fun yet?

Well, at least this year, 9/11 didn’t dredge up PTSD symptoms since there were other things that prevented me from reliving the terror felt those days. (I was living in Brooklyn at that time, and watched it from my rooftop. In fact, Sandy forced me to throw away the pics I took that day. When one of the towers came down, the whole region lost connections for phones, computers and TVs, and I couldn’t contact anyone here or in the rest of the world. I was alone. This time, Bear & I were able to keep each other sane in another horrible situation!)

As for these setbacks? We’re both ready to run screaming from the state.

Today’s rhetorical question: When, if ever, is it just time to cut one’s losses and run?

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